Sunday, 1 March 2015

Ultimate Step by Step Guide For Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the most preferred ad network by most of the bloggers. Every Blogger wants to show it on their Blog. And to show the adverts, you should have an approved Google Adsense account.

But as you know, it’s not an easy task to get approved for a new account.  Your website or Blog should comply with the Adsense. I know you have read so many articles on How to Get approved Google Adsense quickly or something like that. Every post  you read will tell you to create the High Quality content, Website Design traffic etc.

But you have already done these things and still you are wondering that why your Adsense account is not getting approved by google. Is google your enemy ? OR they don’t want to include you in the Adsense program. There is nothing like that.

Google also needs  the website that can make money for you as well as for themselves. That’s why google has set some terms and condition for the Adsense program.

I can bet the tips I’m going to share with you, will definitely work to get  approved an Adsense account genuinely.  Today I am giving a comprehensive guide for Adsense. All you need to do is follow the guidelines.

Step by Step Guide to get an Adsense Account

Top Level Domain

Google  will always appreciate a Top Level Domain. The domain with extension .com, .Net  or any country level domain likes .In or .us are considered as Top level Domain. Never apply with the subdomain of a site. Use a .com or .Net domain to set up your Blog / website.


Create atleast 10 -15 informative articles which has at least 500 words in each of the article. Never apply if you are having less number of posts in the blog. Your total word count of the blog should be at least 6000.

That’s why most of the bloggers has written to create the quality article. The main motive to create the quality content is to have a sufficient word count in the site.

Accessibility of All articles

Your each article should be reachable at least one point. That means  your site should have the proper navigation and menu for the user. So that the visitors of your blog can find what they are looking for.

The best way is to create an HTML sitemap for user that contains all the articles linked to it.

Necessary Pages

I have written about already about the 5 Important pages that should be included in the website. Most of Adveriser looks only for these Pages. If they are present in the site , your chanced for approval will increase. These are About Page, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Sitemap and the contact Page.

Read : 5 Must Have things For a Blog

Links Present at the site

This is the most important thing that you should care about. If you are careless about links that are present in the site, you will be told that your site doesn’t comply with Adsense. And this is the most common reason why Adsense is not approved.

Let’s dive into the deep. Some time when we use some free themes, the theme vendors embed their link in the footer or in a hidden place where we are not able to see the link. They do so to get backlinks for their work.

Always try to find out the external links that are irrelevant to the blog and remove them. Most of the time, the links are present in the bottom as footer links. Remove them and check if any other external link present in any of the articles. After removing the links, apply for Adsense.


Your Blog should have a decent amount of Search Engine traffic to tell the Google that you can generate revenue from the site. Obviously Adsene requires the huge traffic to make money from it.  Try to maintain at least 100 visits per day for the blog. I applied to myself when I was having 70-80 visits per day.

Don’t Use Other Ad Networks

Adsense  don’t want to have a competitor ad network on your blog. If you are using another network ads, remove them before applying on Adsense. However you can use them when your Adsense account is fully approved.

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